Our mission is to inspire and empower humanity to achieve breakthroughs that accelerate an abundant and equitable future for all.


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Last updated: 6.20.24

30 Launched Prizes
35,000+ Competitors
173 Team Countries
360+ Partners
$519M+ Cumulative Prize Purse
1695 Patent Filings by XPRIZE Teams

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power of competition

Without a target you’ll miss every time. XPRIZE competitions have clear, objective and measurable goals and at their most powerful capture the imaginations of people all over the world inspiring everyone into action.

The world needs crazy ideas. Solutions can come from anyone, anywhere on the planet; engineers, scientists, garage tinkerers, entrepreneurs, innovators, citizen scientists and high school students have embraced the spirit of competition, won millions of dollars in prize purses and helped shape a better future for all.

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